Friday, October 31, 2008


I actually had a lot to type today. But I told myself I'd stay away from blogging and instead try to complete the script that's due tonight. So I've failed with that.

Plus I forgot most of what I wanted to say, so that's another failure.

Math is definitely going to be a fail. Unless this year is a repeat of last year, minus the little bit of poetic inspiration I got towards the end.

I really think I need to start challenging myself again, because deadlines aren't getting to me as much as I wish they were and living up to people's expectations is sometimes more boring than taxing because I don't even bother.

I'm afraid that I might just get so accustomed to the slack nature of NS and my job there that I'm going to have a really tough time readjusting to society when I get out. Uncle John was right, NS really does rot your brain.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008



I need to get my script out soon. This week's supposed to be a pretty busy week for me because all the deadlines are coming up. I gotta have my script in by Friday, and I only just realised that I'll only be able to study for maths over the weekend. Which is a terrible feeling because I know I'm not going to study at all.

Just like how I'm typing this load of crap instead of my script, which I actually started on yesterday (surprise surprise). Between old episodes of Iron Chef and a smattering of movies, all of which aren't too good for the thinking person, I've done pretty much nothing besides trying to beat all 3 Need For Speeds on the PSP.

And I've been trying to find a DS emulator too. Because Pokemon rocks my socks.

I sort of gave up on that idea, because I'm determined to get a job giving tuition. And I'm going to tutor English, because I like it, and it's easy and I really feel that standards are dropping. My standards, because the army rots your brain away.

The anonymity of this blog prevents me from asking for students to tutor, but it's something I don't think I'd ever give up because I get more freedom this way.

Yeah, Journey to the West baby.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I remember once believing that love was the best corn you could ever get.

When did I lose hold of that ideal?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rock School.

We all know Gene Simmons for being this guy.



Over the top.

But what he said in the last episode of the second season of Rock School was an inspiration to me.

Is being a rock star more rewarding than being a teacher? No. Being a teacher maybe a thankless job, but these memories are going to stay with me for the rest of my life.

- Gene Simmons

I've gone through all of the Rock School episodes in these past two days, some of it has been good, and some of it has been downright rubbish. Whether or not it's all been a gigantic farce for the world to see how Gene Simmons, or Mr. Simmons, as he's so affectionately called by his pupils, can be a nice guy, doesn't really matter.

I genuinely believe that the rock legend himself took away more from the experience then he could ever have given those kids.

But let's face it. He didn't do his job very well. Little of it was within his job scope as a "music" teacher. What did he give them? He gave them the confidence to be individuals. The responsibility to be leaders. 

He gave a once in a lifetime opportunity to reach for their dreams, even if the dream is one so frowned upon by parents all over the world.

Mr Simmons didn't have it easy either, he faced criticisms, from the both the outside and from inside his classrooms as well. Imagine that. A rock veteran, worth well over a hundred million dollars, a man whose fronted one of the most influential rock bands ever, getting lip from 10 to 15 year olds.

And that, people, is a painful lesson in humility.

Yes, it was a shallow view of the world that he offered the students. It was an offer to take the first plunge into a life of debauchery. And it was an invitation to go wild and lose all your inhibitions.

Are they still accepting applications?


Beer really does make you dumb. It turns your brain into fertillizer so your hair grows better. Mine feels softer now.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thoughts for the day.

Today I saw an old woman in a head scarf flagging for the bus. And I thought of Darth Sidious. I'm sorry.